Science & Knowledge
The Reef & Rainforest Research Centre (RRRC) is much more than just a science broker. The RRRC is focused on building research capacity in North Queensland that links directly into the end users and delivers valuable solutions to our environmental problems. It facilitates the adoption of science-based knowledge in ecologically-sustainable management policies and practices.
RRRC focuses on delivering collaborative cross disciplinary research programs. The RRRC’s collaborative research framework ensures that the best minds from various research agencies are addressing the environmental issues critical to northern Queensland and the Torres Strait. This is achieved by creating synergies between research providers and working across traditional institutional and disciplinary structures. Fostering partnerships between researchers and research institutions, and facilitating knowledge exchange between researchers and end users, are core strengths of RRRC.
RRRC synthesizes and disseminates the high quality cross-disciplinary research to ensure the protection, conservation, sustainable use and management of the environmental assets of the Great Barrier Reef and its catchments, the Wet Tropics World Heritage Rainforest, Torres Strait and other areas of the tropics.
RRRC is building the scientific knowledge base to understand the interactions of North Queensland’s natural environment with the social and economic aspects of North Queensland communities.
Access is available to the full details of research outcome projects managed by RRRC in the areas of: