Our Services
- Delivering increased sustainability for tropical species and ecosystems, and the industries and communities that depend upon them
- A powerful all-of-system approach - from the rainforested mountains, through stream catchments, wetlands and estuaries, to the sea, islands and coral reefs
- Targeted science to help mitigate and adapt to climate change
- The RRRC acts in partnership with established research providers and Indigenous organisations and communities
Management and Delivery
- Successfully communicating Reef health and management science to students along the Great Barrier Reef coast and beyond
- The 'new wave' in research management
- Scientific knowledge brokers helping to solve environmental problems for tropical environments and communities, including North Queensland, Torres Strait and the Pacific region
- A unique engagement framework in which researchers and end users collaboratively define and implement solution-focused science
- A strong emphasis on partnerships, outcomes and delivery
- The unique engagement framework of the RRRC involves more than 38 organisations - government agencies, industries including tourism and fisheries, primary producers, community groups and Indigenous bodies.
- See the Partnerships section to find out more.