CRC Reef Publications
Final Synthesis Report
Woodley, S.J., Williams, D.McB., Harvey, T. and Jones, A. (2006) World Heritage Research: Making a Difference. CRC Reef Research, Education and Capacity Building 1999-2006. CRC Reef Research Centre, Townsville, Australia (104pp).
This report, World Heritage Research: Making a Difference, describes the major contributions of the Cooperative Research Centre for the Great Barrier Reef World Heritage Area (CRC Reef) to the understanding, management and sustainable use of the Great Barrier Reef World Heritage Area (GBRWHA) over the period 1999-00 to 2005-06. The key messages and outcomes from the research programs, and the impact of research training and capacity building undertaken by the Centre are presented as well as how the Centre has made a difference to the way science is done on the GBRWHA.
A series of "current state-of-knowledge" brochures that were developed during the life of the CRC Reef program.
Dugongs in the Great Barrier Reef
Dwarf minke whales in the Great Barrier Reef
Line fishing on the Great Barrier Reef
Marine Tourism on the Great Barrier Reef
Land use and the Great Barrier Reef
Crown-of-thorns starfish on the Great Barrier Reef
Seagrasses in Queensland Waters
Introduced Species in Tropical Waters
Coral trout species of Queensland
Technical Reports
Below are a list of technical reports published by CRC Reef.
02 - Principles of social impact assessment and its application to managing the Great Barrier Reef
04 - The effects of qualified recreational scuba divers on coral reefs
05 - Impact of tourist pontoons on fish assemblages on the Great Barrier Reef
06 - Evaluation of sampling methods for reef fish populations of commercial and recreational interest
08 - Perceived meanings of 'ecologically sustainable development' within the CRC Reef Research Centre
09 - Dissolved free amino acid concentration: implications for crown-of-thorns starfish larval nutrition
12 - Long-term population trends of seabirds on the Swain Reefs, Great Barrier Reef
14 - Distribution of seagrasses in the Lizard Island group - a reconnaissance survey, October 1995
15 - Evaluating the effectiveness of pictorial symbols in reef visitor education
16 - The estimation of visitor use from GBRMPA data returns
17 - Genetic determination of sources of Acanthaster planck recruitment
18 - The development and evaluation of activity schedules for tourists on one-day dommercial reef trips
19 - An atlas of tropical cyclones in the Great Barrier Reef region, 1969-1997
20 - The Great Barrier Reef Marine Park training package: a participant evaluation
21 - Visitor experiences and perceived conditions on day trips to the Great Barrier Reef
22 - On the nature of luminescence in coral skeletons
25 - Development of cost-effective control strategies for crown-of-thorns starfish
26 - Fishes of the Yongala historic shipwreck
28 - Variability in growth characteristics of massive Porites on the Great Barrier Reef
29 - Understanding public perceptions of the Great Barrier Reef and its management
31 - Defining the reproductive biology of a large serranid: Plectropomus leopards
33 - Great Barrier Reef Depth and Elevation Model: GBRDEM
39 - Reef infrastructure guidelines: tourist pontoons
40 - The sustainability of Queensland's coral harvest fishery
43 - Port of Mackay seagrass, algae and macro-invertebrate communities. February 2001
45 - Fine-scale surveys of the crown-of-thorns starfish Acanthaster planci in the Cairns section
46 - Marine tourism impacts and their management on the Great Barrier Reef
48 - Bridging the gap: a workshop linking student research with fisheries stakeholders
49 - Changing patterns of reef tourism
58 - Stock assessment of the Australian east coast spotted mackerel fishery
60 - Potential effects of artificial reefs on the Great Barrier Reef
64 - Rainforest meets Reef: Joint conference of CRC Reef and Rainforest CRC 22-24 November 2005
65 - An assessment of the Social characteristics of Queensland's recreational fishers